While it’s true that most people do not know what to do when a death has occurred, we believe this to be due to the simple fact that death comes into our lives less often than it did for our ancestors. After all, average life spans are significantly longer today, and our medical services vastly improved.
But there’s a downside too; we can be ill-prepared to deal with a death of a loved one. Death can be expected, and due to a terminal illness, or old age and declining health; or sudden and completely unexpected. Either way, the death of someone you love can leave you feeling lost, alone, and unsure where to turn for guidance.
This area of our website will guide you in the right direction. However, if you have any questions or simply wish to speak to one of our Funeral Directors to share your story and explore your options, please contact us.
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Those grieving are in great need of support. If a close friend has recently experienced a loss, fill out the form below to subscribe to our weekly tips and find out how you can be most helpful.